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Let's talk about your project

Manufacturing in volume? About to ramp up production? Want to ensure your customer isn’t the quality controller? Want to avoid a manufacturing fault causing a product recall?

Let’s talk about your testing needs

If any of the above sounds familiar, it's time to Test it with Ignys

You’ve spent months designing, prototyping, and testing your product. It’s now ready for launch. Make sure that every single unit that comes off the production line has been made correctly. Program your product with your latest firmware release automatically. Calibrate and set up your product consistently every time.

The final test of assembled printed circuit boards (PCBAs) is indispensable. It’s essential to use a robust product that won’t let you down and stop production.

The MG Products Test Fixtures use solid aluminium components for robustness. Their unique linear mechanical compression system means that PCBA test points are contacted simultaneously without the risk of mechanical damage to the board that other fixtures can bring.


Let's talk test

We’ve been impressed with the speed at which the team has grown and the high quality skill set that has been added to the team. For us, the thorough understanding of the product requirements has been a key reason for success.

Test fixtures

Let us know how we can test it with you