Resources for our customers
This is an expanding list of resources for both our customers and anyone who has ever made contact with us.
Sharing our referral scheme, how to send us feedback and ways in which we can support you on a long term basis.
A centre for anyone who has spoken with Ignys including our brand new referral scheme
This is an expanding list of resources for both our customers and anyone who has ever made contact with us.
Sharing our referral scheme, how to send us feedback and ways in which we can support you on a long term basis.
When you finish a project with us we will send you an end of project review.
However you can send feedback to us at any time whether you have simply been on the phone to us or worked with us for years.
We always want to hear what you think!
Over half of our business comes from word of mouth and referrals.
We love helping companies solve technical challenges.
If your colleagues, friends or associates could benefit from electronics design, product development or software please tell them about us.
Our new referral scheme gives both you and someone you know a free engineering day when they sign a project proposal with us.
If you’ve been with us a while and would like to chat about options to keep us ‘on the books’ so you can dip into our borrow an engineer scheme at will and book in slots early then speak with us.
Contact our marketing manager if you want to opt into top news and exclusive offers.
Our newsletters land in your inbox on a monthly basis.
Read our full privacy policy here.
We take inspiration for our blog from many of our customer’s situations.
We share top tips on how to fix electronics faults, reduce product costs and more.
You can also use the search bar at the top of our website to search for a topic.
Back in September 2019 we documented the types of projects that we decline to work on and decided that the following covered the foreseeable moral issues we may come across. The list was any project or product that involved:
– Animal Testing
– Child Labour
– Weapons Manufacturing
– Any breach of human rights
– Any breach of the law
If you have any questions surrounding this please do speak for us and we’ll happily have an open discussion.